
Sunday, October 31, 2021


 It’s Samhain! 

Halloween or All Hallows Eve, Hallowmas!


Careful if you go out out ‘guising’ you geezers!

It's worth looking up really as it is so very interesting to see how the church in particular misconstrued (or wilfully misinterpreted and subsumed) natural events at this time of the year. 

Today is one of the 'quarter' days signifying the end of Summer and Autumn and heralding Winter or the dying back of plants and the natural cycle of the seasons. People would slaughter their goat or cow to salt down for the winter for communities to have enough to eat. Light fires to stay warmer and as thoughts turned to death, mourn & remember those lost to us. 

'Guising' (dressing up) was mean to be fun too and would be celebrated by giving particularly inventive costumes nuts and berries and cakes made from seasonal fruits [good luck with that if someone knocks on your door tonight. Don't think Haribo do nuts and berries let alone cake!]People baked 'soul cakes', which they would set outside their house for the poor. They also lit bonfires and set out lanterns carved out of turnips to keep the ghosts of the dead away.


Have at it I say! Dance around a fire, sky clad and sing a song, bang a drum and be happy! For soon enough you will be asked to choose a new leader of the tribe . . . . . .

 . . . . .

This fascinating read from Writer's Almanac:

Today is All Hallows' Eve, or Halloween. It's believed to originate in the Celtic festival of Samhain, a pre-Christian festival held around November 1 to mark the end of summer and the beginning of winter. It was the biggest holiday of the Celtic year: a combination of harvest festival, New Year's Eve, and community meeting. Animals were brought in from the pasture and made secure for the coming winter, and some of them were slaughtered to provide salted meat for the winter. It was also a time of year when the veil between living and dead was particularly porous, so the spirits of the dearly departed were more easily able to return to their earthly homes. And it meant that other otherworldly creatures - like fairies, leprechauns, and other tricksters - were more likely to be among us. But even though ghosties and ghoulies wandered among the living during Samhain, the supernatural wasn't the main focus of the holiday the way it is for Halloween.

As the Christian Church grew, Samhain blended with a Christian holiday known as All Saints' Day, All Hallows' Day, or Hallowmas, which was originally observed in May but later moved to November 1. It was a time for believers to honor and remember those who had passed on to heaven. This blending was not coincidental. Early Christian leaders told their missionaries that if they wanted to convert pagans to Christianity, they shouldn't waste time on trying to suppress their rituals and practices, but rather they should consecrate those practices to Christ and incorporate them wherever possible. This had the effect of establishing Christianity among the pagans - but it also preserved many of the pagan practices instead of quashing them. So Samhain and All Saints' Day rituals influenced each other and eventually merged, and that is when we begin to see the traditions that we associate with Halloween today. 

One such tradition was the practice of "souling," common in Britain and Ireland in the Middle Ages. Poor people would go door to door on Hallowmas and offer to pray for the souls of the family's dead relatives, in exchange for an offering of food. It mingled with the practice of "mumming": dressing up in costumes and performing wacky antics in exchange for food and drink, and eventually trick-or-treating became a traditional part of Halloween.


Floppy Boot Stomp - Rory Gallagher - Live Kansas City, MO. 1974 3 disc live set



FLAC Format!

Cowtown Ballroom, Kansas City, MO. March 24, 1974
Artwork Included

CD 1
1.  Messin' With The Kid
2. Cradle Rock/ Just a Little Bit
3. I Wonder Who
4. Tattoo'd Lady
5. Walk On Hot Coals
6. A Million Miles Away

CD 2
1. Hands Off
2. Laundromat
3. Handy Man
4. Too Much Alcohol
5. Pistol Slapper Blues

CD 3
1. Goin' To My Hometown
2. Who's That Coming
3. Bullfrog Blues
4. Crowd / Announcements
5. Livin' Like A Trucker

Rory Gallagher - Kansas City MO 1974

Samhain! 🎃


The Monster Mash! - 

THRILLER (note the disclaimer!) Michale Jackson

  • Track Name

    Zombie Love

  • Artist

    The Jazz Butcher

The Jazz Butcher - Zombie Love (1983)

Here’s something for Halloween from the late Pat Fish (R.I.P.) and the Jazz Butcher.

The Zombies - She's Not There

The Cranberries - Zombie

Pushing the limits somehow . . . . Peter Pumpkin Head - XTC

Season of The Witch - Donovan

John Prine - Daddy's Little Pumpkin
Texas Connection 1992 John Prine & The Sins of Memphisto

SILLY SYMPHONIES - The Skeleton Dance - 

Who Ya Gonna Call! - Ray Parker Jnr

Stephen Stills, Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield  - Season Of The Witch

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Man Of The World - Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac- Peter Green's Birthday


Peter Green was born as Peter Allen Greenbaum in Bethnal Green, London on 29th Oct 1946

Night then . . . . . . .

Happy Birthday Grace Slick -

“Grace Slick’s ‘White Rabbit,’ a strident combination of bastardised Spanish bolero rhythm and psychedelic lyrics paraphrased from Lewis Carroll’s book ALICE IN WONDERLAND, confirmed her position as the Acid Queen of Haight Ashbury.” - Louder Sound
Happy Birthday to the legendary singer of Jefferson Airplane, Grace Slick. During the era of psychedelic rock forming in the 1960s, The Doors and Jefferson Airplane were amongst the leaders of the new sound and movement, even touring together in Europe.
Celebrate Grace’s birthday with this special playlist including Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, Cream and many more:

UPDATE: Weird but another vid that says unavailable which if you click on it plays perfectly well!
go on try it!

The Voice of an era, a generation, mine!

Friday, October 29, 2021

The Cure - Live Cleveland, OH. 1985 - Floppy Boot Stomp

 If you missed it in 2015 or even 2012 Floppy Boot Stomp have posted links to this old favourite!!

The Cure Live in Cleveland 1985 - Floppy Boot Stomp

In Between Days - Tops Of The Pops 1985

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 



Remembering bass guitarist Duck Dunn, born on 24th November in 1941 in Memphis Died 2012 aged 70. Tennessee. Here he is playing “Green Onions” with Booker T.Jones & the M.G.'s in 1967. Booker T (age 76) Steve ‘The Colonel’ Cropper guitar age 80)

Just well because . . . . . . . . its FRIDAY!


 Muddy Waters - Fathers And Sons (1969 us, masterfully regal electric blues, 2001 bonus tracks remaster reissue)

Sound of the day no 1!
Worth checking if only for the line up . . . . .what a band!

*Muddy Waters - Vocals, Guitar
*Otis Spann - Piano
*Michael Bloomfield - Guitar
*Paul Butterfield - Harmonica
*Donald Dunn - Bbass
*Sam Lay - Drums
*Paul Asbell - Rhythm Guitar
*Buddy Miles - Drums 
*Jeff Carp - Chromatic Harmonica 
*Phil Upchurch - Bass

Still commercially available

Thursday, October 28, 2021




Well again Big O excels and even tho' this is an audience recording it is really worth having ( I have really rather stopped bothering with anything not a soundboard) this is raw and balanced and the band is so tight and funky it is well worth having and Lou's vocals are mixed well right up front!
The notes are interesting too as this was a real historic moment . . . . .first appearance down under and who knows what the Aussies made of Lou then but heck its a fine fine set  and a great introduction to his work with this setlist

Big O says:

+ + + + +

What you are or will be listening to is the first ever concert that Lou Reed performed in Australia, on August 13, 1974. Between audiowhore’s extensive research, my ticket stubs plus my recollections we’ve pieced together what we both think are the definitive Lou Reed 1974 Australian Tour dates. It cleared one thing up for myself, I was under the impression that more shows were added after the tour had started but actually the 2nd & 3rd concerts for Sydney and Melbourne went on sale before Lou landed in the country.

On the early tour posters that appeared pre tour the city of Perth was listed but by the time the tour went ahead Perth was not on the tour but Brisbane which is not on the poster ended being one of the four cities visited on the tour. Obviously behind the scenes something unknown happened and Brisbane substituted for Perth.

Ticket prices were an outrageous A$5.50!

+ + + + +

The story behind the 13th August 1974 recording:

I first met the taper (nicknamed Christine 16 as a joke) sometime in mid to late 1972 when I brought bootleg LPs from him after he had placed ads selling bootleg LPs in the classified section of a Sydney Sunday paper. We kept in periodical contact, this usually occurred when a new batch of bootleg LPs had freshly arrived from California.

I can’t remember now if we even knew each other would be attending the Sydney Lou shows but now I know that we both caught the first Lou 1974 Sydney show. After it became known that myself & friends taped select Sydney shows he mentioned to me that he’d taped Lou back in 1974 at Sydney’s Hordern Pavilion. He recorded the show on a portable reel to reel deck, the brand of recorder plus the microphone used are long forgotten. I remember him saying he had placed the recorder either under his chair or under the one in front of him, or was it on top of his chair or the one in front?

The 1974 Lou Sydney audiences were rather sedate… Probably because most of us if not all of us had never (well on stage at least) seen a stick thin, crew-cutted bleach blonde male rumoured to be a junkie/homosexual who sang about various lowlifes & their activity’s. Most of us stood quietly in front of our seats while we watched somewhat bemused while Lou cavorted onstage & clapped politely at the end of songs.

But by the time of the Lou’s 1975 Australian tour his audiences were far more vocal as you will hear when the 1975 recordings are upped. The infamous Sydney airport TV interview plus that night’s paper & the next morning’s paper both of which reported some of Lou’s airport comments certainly helped gather interest in seeing this Lou Reed person!

People have asked me if Lou performed his hammer & tack act during the Sydney shows, you know the tourniquet & syringe hitting up scenario during Heroin. I honestly can say I don’t remember Lou doing so because I think I would remember if he did but on the other hand a friend swears he did. Having listened to Heroin from both Sydney shows I can’t hear any comments, laughs or shrieks from the audience which I’m sure if Lou had hit up one would hear some audience reaction.

Anyway sometime in the mid or late ’70s Christine 16 lent me his reel to reel tape, I borrowed my father’s SONY tape deck & personally transferred the reel onto cassette. Since I‘ve had this show I’ve only traded it only a handful of times copied from my 1st generation cassette with some fellow Lou fans in the UK. Over the years I’ve seen this show on very few Lou trade lists, sometimes attributed to various other dates in August but have never spotted it on any torrent sites.

Until now.

Thanks again to Christine 16 for his recording & audiowhore for the 2018 cassette transfer & research.


I did!

Press Conference 1974 quite the funniest interview with the press since Dylan enjoyed running rings around them!

Viscious! (indeed . . . . )

Weather Report: Forecast: Tomorrow (Box Set 3 CD) 2006 - URBANASPIRINES


Another must have from Urban this morning and he turns his attention to the founders of a school of jazz fusion all their own from Weather Report.

the tragic Jaco Pastorius

They say:

Weather Report was an American jazz fusion band active from 1970 to 1986. The band was founded (and initially co-led) by Austrian keyboard player Joe Zawinul, American saxophonist Wayne Shorter and Czech bassist Miroslav Vitouš. Other prominent members at various points in the band's lifespan included Jaco Pastorius, Alphonso Johnson, Victor Bailey, Chester Thompson, Peter Erskine, Airto Moreira, and Alex Acuña. Throughout most of its existence, the band was a quintet consisting of Zawinul, Shorter, a bass guitarist, a drummer, and a percussionist.

                                               Read the rest of what they have to say as their notes are always worth a read and the deaths of Zawinul (from skin cancer) and the tragic story of Pastorius (mentally ill and homeless until his untimely death believed to have been beaten to death in the street) are not touched on so much here. Fuller accounts and biographies exist elsewhere and this is a joyous compilation - enjoy!

Weather Report- Weather Forecast- Urbanaspirines

IN A SILENT WAY (with John McLaughlin)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Brian ENO - Lighthouse Program 2


More on Brian Eno's Lighthouse project from his Facebook page

Lighthouse Program 2 is the second in a series of exclusive interviews produced for Brian Eno’s @sonosradio HD station, The Lighthouse. 

The Lighthouse explores Eno’s vast archive of unreleased music, and on Program 2, he shares further inspiration behind the station, this time delving into his five decade parallel career as a visual artist in a conversation with renowned curator and art historian @hansulrichobrist. 

  🔗 → Listen to Program 2 on The Lighthouse, in the Sonos app or via Mixcloud, and find out more about The Lighthouse at                

🎵 listen to The Lighthouse in the Sonos app, newly updated with even more unheard music from Eno’s archive.

To see the the art discussed and more, go to

To listen to The Lighthouse, subscribe to Sonos Radio HD at



Another in an ongoing series on blues artists . . . . . . . . . 

I have mentioned before my precocious interest in the blues and at about 13 developing a passion for Leadbelly, Big Bill Broonzy, Josh White and others but Howling' Wolf scared me at first. That HUGE voice from the huge frame was so other worldly and unique I was at once fascinated and nearly fearful! I soon got to appreciate the link and added him and John Lee Hooker and the deltas blues players as well like Missippi John Hurt and Jesse Fuller as my searching took me further in to the more esoteric. Nothing but nothing will replace the feeling that I got when first I heard Howling Wolf sing 'Smokestack Lightning'

This is the only known filmed version of "Smokestack Lightning" by Howlin' Wolf. This was shot in England during the famed American Folk Blues Festival tours and features the legendary Hubert Sumlin on guitar. In addition to other great Howlin' Wolf footage, our archive houses many iconic blues performances from Muddy Waters, Lightning Hopkins, Sonny Boy Williamson, Willie Dixon, Son House, Mississippi Fred McDowell, John Lee Hooker, Big Mama Thornton, T-Bone Walker and Buddy Guy.

Meet Me In The Bottom

Some of Howlin' Wolf’s band members came home empty-handed from weeks on the road and told their wives that Wolf didn’t pay them. When Andrew McMahon’s wife, Ida, complained to Wolf about it, he called a meeting with the band members and invited their wives. Then he recited a litany of crimes and misdemeanors. 

“Eddie Shaw, you didn’t bring your money home because you gambled it up. Hubert Sumlin, you gambled and drank your money up. S. P. Leary, you drank yours up. Andrew McMahon, you know you bought the womens with all your money.” 

McMahon tried to convince his wife that Wolf was lying, but she didn’t buy it. 

“Wolf didn’t like that wrongdoing,” she said. “I guess he just didn’t want his name scandalized that he was not paying his boys when he knew he was.”

Wolf was equally blunt with rude audience members. One night on a double bill in Memphis with Muddy Waters, someone in front had the nerve to yell about Wolf’s garish yellow tuxedo, 

“Look at that man in the monkey suit!” 

Wolf glared and said, “I don’t know what you-all talking about. You may think my suit’s funny. Yeah—go ahead and laugh. But you here to listen to me tonight—I’m not here to listen to you. And ’cause of that, I got a pile of money big enough to burn up a wet mule!”

James Segrest, Mark Hoffman. Moanin' at Midnight

Shake for Me


 I don't know why I haven't featured more on Pulp and Jarvis Cocker as I listened to listen else when their fourth album came out and I pretty much have everything (thanks largely to legendary then Oxford based Bookseller Sharon Murray who turned me on to them - the Divine Comedy too, she's got great taste ) I consider His n Hers right up there with the very best of Britpop so called and it regularly features in my top thirty albums at least and is extremely special to me. So today's sound of the day is from there and is 'Babies' Highlighting as it does Jarvis' writing at its narrative best.

25 years of His and Hers - NME

Thanks to O My Soul

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

JEFFERSON AIRPLANE - Early History - Back to Back - So Many Roads

 More from So Many Roads in their ongoing Back-to-Back series. This featuring the birth of the Airplane with just months after Grace joined to take over vocal and both sets at The Matrix, San Francisco

Jefferson Airplane 25th Oct 1966 - So Many Roads

Jefferson Airplane 26th Oct 1966 - So Many Roads

55 years ago today!

meanwhile sometime later . . . . . . 

3/5 of a Mile In 10 Seconds (Live at the Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA - October 1968)

Eskimo Blue Day (At The Family Dog, 09.09.69

Sound of the Day - TAM LIN - FAIRPORT CONVENTION (for forthcoming Halloween)

 More blasts from the past . . . . Fairport at their very best . . . . . . with the mercurial Sandy Denny

in advance of Halloween . . . . . . . . . . . 

Oh, tell to me, Tam Lin, she said, why came you here to dwell?
The Queen of Fairies caught me when from my horse I fell

And at the end of seven years she pays a tithe to hell
I so fair and full of flesh and feared it be myself . . . . . . . 
Then up spoke the Faerie Queen, an angry queen was she
"Woe betide her ill-fought face, an ill death may she die"
Oh, had I known, Tam Lin," she said, "what this night I did see
I'd have looked him in the eyes and turned him to a tree"
The Faery ballad dates to at least as early as 1549

reminded by Tribal Gathering

Monday, October 25, 2021

Start the week with Syd and Pink Floyd going to the woods . . . . .

To the Woods? . . . . . . . 

No, not to the woods.

To the Woods?

No, NOT to the woods . . . . . . . . 

To the Woods?

To the woods . . . . . . . . .  

#pink floyd from USE YOUR ILLUSION

#pink floyd from USE YOUR ILLUSION

#Syd Barrett from take me on a trip upon your magic swirling ship

Syd in the Woods

Pow R Toch H

Lucifer Sam

Chapter 24


The Scarecrow

Arnold Layne

See Emily Play


The sweet smell of a great sorrow lies over the land
Plumes of smoke rise and merge into the leaden sky
A man lies and dreams of green fields and rivers
But awakes to a morning with no reason for waking
He's haunted by the memory of a lost paradise
In his youth or a dream, he can't be precise
He's chained forever to a world that's departed
It's not enough, it's not enough
His blood has frozen and curdled with fright
His knees have trembled and given way in the night
His hand has weakened at the moment of truth
His step has faltered
One world, one soul
Time pass, the river roll
And he talks to the river of lost love and dedication
And silent replies that swirl invitation
Flow dark and troubled to an oily sea
A grim intimation of what is to be
There's an unceasing wind that blows through this night
And there's dust in my eyes, that blinds my sight
And silence that speaks so much louder than words
Of promises broken