
Saturday, February 19, 2011

I am really enjoying sharing these boots with folk and in the past coupla days 'til this morning have loaded some of my favourites from Ry Cooder and started my Dylan page...................both artists seminal influences and remain as important as when I first heard them........

That's it! Over n out........


  1. I just found your blog, looking for Ry Cooder... sad about Suze passing. End of an era. We are all getting OLD. Great blog; interesting stories. Brings back the "good old days."

    So now I read your blog! Thanks for posting.

  2. Hi - Also recently found your blog. Wonderful stuff, also the fine work that you do. I worked with adults with learning disabilities, in a previous life. You are very perceptive, and have a fine way with words, "Power to your elbow!"
    Very Best Wishes.

  3. So nice to get postings from folk awandering by. Thank you hookerjohnlee for the kind words - It means a lot! It's a pretty mixed bag as you can see. Only started posting the music over a year ago now and the work related stuff engendered little to no comments - hence the title, but a positive word from strangers does make it all worthwhile. I thank you!
