
Monday, April 04, 2011

So anyway ( Oh DO shut up! Ed) I am sorry I have a cold.....cue 'my Hovercraft is full of eels' reference......(oh DO get on with it! Ed) I have just got up and its late in the afternoon and my head is full of rocks and people shouting and banging lump good lady wife is ill in bed too (She is NEVER ill! I'm the one who gets man-flu, so you can tell its serious)........ and I have received a lovely email from a virtual friend in the USA saying lovely things. Now we are both big Dylan fans (which is how I got in touch with most of the music forums that for reasons best know to them selves have now barred me........Over enthusiasm being one purported reason - go figure!)  I found myself listening to Nashville Skyline Rag as it cheers me up. So I dedicate this Dylan boot to Penelope K!
Now there are loads of versions of this flying around the t'nternet but hopefully you'll agree this is a good one. The version of Nashville Skyline Rag is better than the one on the album IMHO

 Over in the usual place people.........(that'll be the Dylan page....?" Ed)

and just for a treat there's another legendary quality boot -  four discs of Bobby at The Supper Club 1993


1 comment:

  1. Well I do have these already so would just endorse what our kind host says and suggest you get them listened to smartly. Chasing Dylan around the internet can lead to a whole slew of delights and bizarre disappointments. Don't we just know it!!!
