
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ruminating on how we find music we like these IS extraordinary how things change....years ago listening to John Peel on the scratchy portable little transistor radio underneath the bed clothes at night and hearing strange musics that permeated through to the muse and pleasure zones.......even catching pieces that have stayed with me forever (Pictures at An Exhibition by Moussorgsky for solo piano as it was originally intended NOT Ravel's orchestration thereof stands as one of my favourite classical pieces along with Orff's Schulwerk first heard this way)........... we hear a piece on the TV soundtrack, look up the lyric on Google, check out the name of the band and find their website.....find they have an EP which you can pay whatever you like for and download it in a variety of formats (MP3 & FLAC since you ask......) paid via my computer (Paypal website) account and will receive a hard copy 'digi-pack' with artwork by the drummer, Ruth, in my mailbox in due course] but could play it back within minutes of hearing it.....on the TV

The name of the band was Wilful Missing....the track was DIY........their website is here ....update:within a couple of days I received the CD digi-pak through the post and it was followed by an email from them with a general hope that I had rec'd it OK! This strikes me as amazing! Also I mention that I have written this in tribute and in the hope that more people come across them and an email exchange takes place where I am chatting to them about their music and the service of the website and suchlike.........and the music goes around and around and it comes out here........... Lovely contacts from wonderful people making wonderful music....ASTONISHING!.......they asked me to update their links so here goes...........

Wilful Missing new site link


  1. Nice post. They sound really nifty and are on within walking distance of where I live in about a month. Two problems.
    1. Might be away that weekend.
    2. Looks like you were watching "Waterloo Road"???

  2. Thanks for this Andy. You're right, it is amazing how things have changed, from the days of hearing something on the radio and quickly writing down the artist to go into the local record shop and ask about the next day, to how things are now...

    After DIY was used in Waterloo Road last week, we had people downloading music from our website within minutes. That was the most astonishing thing about it, the speed at which we had people contacting us.

  3. Woo Hoo Swappers.
    ARTISTES are commenting on your blog....what next..channeling from THe Good Captain??!!
