
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hey geeks! I know you're out there!

 Just some technical data fer yew! Since I sent 'the blog nobody reads' hurtling over into the area of servicing you with fine, fine music a lot of things have happened and here they are:

There have been offered nearly 300 files of music - update: for those who asked (well OK one person did!) that's nearly 25% Bob Dylan! well OK, OK for the pernickety actually as I've made available some 70 discs of His Bobness that's just over 23% but who's counting?! [YOU are! ED].....plenty more still to come!

That's nearly 30 Gigabytes

Nearly 9,000 of you have down loaded stuff (well no, that could be three of 'em downloading 9 thousand times. Don't get carried away!ED)

Over 11,800 hits on the blog

That's a bandwidth served of 860 Gigabytes!

Soon as we hit these targets I will offer something special, like last years Christmas Hamper!'ll soon be there anything you want to ask Santa for? And I'll go out and get it!

Hey ho, people stay safe out there and remember, winter draws on..........."the wolves are running"

1 comment:

  1. Great work Mr. Swappers. 9,000 downloaders and 7 people made a comment. Let me think....what is the word for those 8,993 other folk. It will come to me in a minute I'm sure.
    Thanks for your exceptional posting and thought provoking...
