
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Now......(well at least that's better than 'So' ED) OK, OK , there is a side of me that loves a ruck and here's a little re-kindling to one that occurred elsewhere.......Now I like the Beatles and I like the Rolling Stones...... but if you start a thread somewhere out in the ether as to which is the best, it is likely to start all kinds of shenanigans & frankly meaningless banter with people extolling the virtues of one against the other. Those feeling that the 'rockers' from public school backgrounds the Groobin' Stooves and those believing the more generally working class Beadles are both wrong of course, the North/South divide is relevant for sure but that one lot are more grubby 'rockers' to others more modeish is a red herring shared largely by those who know nothing about either band in terms of the class origins of all assembled members. It's as sad as thinking that Johnnie was the rocker and Paul the 'sweet' one as much as Mick is from a middle class background and the rest of the Stooves more working class. As far is any intelligent argument is concerned there is much to be admired about BOTH and I love them both regardless of any any pedantic argument as to who is the more 'authentic' musically. They both 'ripped off' black music and did more thah anyone else for spreading the word about so much musical here's some posting of the both of 'em.

Go over to my back pages and you'll find some favourite era of the Stones with Mick Taylor on guitar and my favourite era of the 'Beadles' is undoubtedly the longer and here's some from the White Album and Let It Be era. I should perhaps point out that the Stones in Toronto includes one of my favourite songs of the boys in 'Star Star' and settles an argument for me and is dedicated to all those who kicked me off other sites for using 'sweary' language, to them it is that this track is respectfully (well it's not REALLY respectful is it? ED) well OK but it is dedicated to them -what more do they want?! (well. no profanity and Anglo-Saxon preferably! ED) I know I KNOW! Still you know what Bette Midler says!? FEITCTAJ!

UPDATE! well disaster has struck and in the process have lost half of my 'My Back Pages' page......Am seriously pissed and will correct things a but later I am in no mood to do it now!
Stones and Beatles to follow up there now Beatles - Off White recently posted from Big O and the Stones - Toronto 1997 Babylon rehearsals..........get yer Rocks off ? I think yes you can!..... ....  ...  .. .            more later Swappers :o(

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