
Monday, October 31, 2011


Haven't posted any Stevie Wonder and wonder why that is? There isn't much bootleg stuff that I can find but Big O this morning quoted this wonderful song....the masterblaster hisself:
We are amazed but not amused
By all the things you say that you'll do
Though much concerned but not involved
With decisions that are made by you

But we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
"You haven't done nothing"!

It's not too cool to be ridiculed
But you brought this upon yourself
The world is tired of pacifiers
We want the truth and nothing else

And we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
"You haven't done nothing"!

We would not care to wake up to the nightmare
That's becoming real life
But when mislead who knows a person's mind
Can turn as cold as ice

Why do you keep on making us hear your song
Telling us how you are changing right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
"You haven't done nothing"!
- Stevie Wonder, “You Haven’t Done Nothing”

Anyone find this relevant to what's happening outside at all?!

Oh and BTW......two more boots of his Bobness today (Monday 31st All Hallows Eve) you know where....over on the Bob page.......

Thursday, October 27, 2011

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Mark Twain

OK then, here we go....earlier on I had a look at the statistics and figures for the blog and the download agencies I use on here and came up with some interesting stuff [define 'interesting'! ED] I promised various things if we made a few targets and I may as well start the ball rolling here......we have some interesting figures

Spread of visitors by Country

Some breakdown of visitors by country since May 2009 makes facinating reading?
  • UK - 42%
  • USA - 29%
  • Germany - 6.7%
  • France - 4.5%
  • Italy - 3.6%
  • Holland - 3%
  • Nepal - 3%
  • Australia - 2.85%
  • Russia - 2.4%
  • Canada - 2.24%
  • Spain - 2.1%
  • Japan - 0.3%
Nepal?! Don't get carried away, it could be one person with an Apple mac in Nepal accessing several times year! ED

Increase in traffic (note when I started sharing music earlier this year 2011)

Broken down by visits to which page reveals that most people come here to check out Bob Dylan stuff!
  1. Bob Dylan page - 30%
  2. My Back pages - 23%
  3. Winter Hamper - 12.2%
  4. Ry Cooder - 11.5%
  5. Leonard Cohen - 9.15%
  6. My Music Page - 8.8%
  7. Captain Beefheart - 4.2%
  8. The Doors - 1%
There is some interesting stuff too as to who is accessing via whatever means...........

  •  Views by Browsers
    Firefox (44%)
    Internet Explorer (31%)
    Safari (11%)
    Chrome (9%)
    Opera (3%)
    Mobile (1%)
Given that I don't even know what 'Opera' is nor do I listen to it unless it can't be helped, I find this fascinating

Pages visited by Operating Systems: 
    • Windows (69%)
    • Macintosh (27%)
    • BlackBerry 127 (<1%)
    • Linux  118 (<1%)
    • iPhone  91 (<1%)
    • iPad    49 (<1%)
    • Android 40 (<1%)
    • Nokia  34 (<1%)
    • iPod    11 (<1%)
    This amuses me greatly, nearly 50 people accessed the site by iPad! 11 by iPod! An astounding 127 people accessed the pages by Blackberry! Somewhat more disappointing less than half the number of folk accessing via Windows browsed via Apple Macs! :o) Ha ha ha ha ha............... 
    So in tribute to these salient and pertinent (If staggeringly dull ED) FASCINATING results I have posted several new Bob Dylan boots....Where?........Over on the Dylan page where else?
    Boogie on Reggae Chillun'
    What can I say? Told yuh!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A'wandering around the t'interweb this morning found this clip of THE ModFather, Stevie Marriott along with Dave 'Clem' Clemson, a little thing during a live show at the BBC 'Full House' programme in 1972

This is star quality, charisma, call it what you will, but the guy oozed talent and what with THAT voice we forget how great a musician he was often........enjoy.....
and remember, "Stay cool won't you?" Professor Sir Stanley Unwin.

I dedicate this to Steve's everywhere, to Ronnie 'Plonk' Lane and, being no. 137 in a line of ukelele songs, also to my old friend across the pond, Mike Bristow

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

  Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox gone to ground.

Just a heads up about Big O really....there's been some lovely stuff on there lately
Bobby of course crops up from the Rolling Thunder stuff from 1975 and some stuff from '64-'65 a storming set from their archive a Denver '88 set which I have offered up before meself 'cos I LOVE it!
Some lovely Pink Floyd................early Japanese Silver Discs of 67 and Pink Jungle pre-FM sets from '68 - '69 from legend Lincoln Park Mark. The Complete 4 disc Rainbow sets from both days in 1972
The Band at The Royal Albert Hall 1971 and their Woodstock set from '69
not to mention drunken Eric , Joni Mitchell blue in New York & revisiting Emmylou Harris' Wrecking Ball demos 

Saturday, October 15, 2011


  Constitution Failed

Wilful Missing - Constitution Failed from Wilful Missing on Vimeo.
I really like Wilful Missing and the perceptive amongst you (amongst? ED) will have noticed they have featured on the telebox specifically on Waterloo Road. Yes, yes I watch Waterloo Road*...originally because I was fixated by Angela Griffin but that's another story and the restraining order prevents me ...blah blah here's another track. you can download these from the website and I heartily recommend that you do. (Yes, yes I know I forgot to pay for the last download. Stop going on about it!) By way of making up for my previous theft er,, purloin....I put their link here!

Wilful Missing web

Enjoy! What's not to? 
  "Waterloo Road info: After ‘DIY’ was used in episode 2 of series 7, and both ‘Cry For The City’ and ‘Constitution Failed’ featured in episode 12 of the same series,  we now have ‘Blue Poetry’ included as the final song in episode 13" from the Wilful Missingblog here

'Blue Poetry' available here........

They are shortly (?) to have an album out and I for one can't wait............'Molehills Out Of Mountains' [something you know lots about......for once! ED] before the end of the year we hope (December apparently.......fingers crossed)

This'll cheer you up...........Now I adore Lisa Hanigan, the Irish lass behind the voice of Damien Rice in case you wonder where you've seen (or heard) her before. Going solo in 2008 I saw her on Jools and the first set she did for the BBC for a festival appearance and I was spellbound

This is somewhat disturbing in that in combines two of my interests music and paint!I am sure it will appeal to 'sploshing' fans out there [what's 'sploshing'? ED] but I humbly dedicate this to my old school friend Mike Bristow who I got back in touch after 30+ [cough cough] years artist and musician and master of the ukulele. This is for him

Knots (for Mike)

'I Don't Know' live on Jools

Sea Song on Jools 2009

With Teddy Thompson and Green Gartside 'Way To Blue' tribute to Nick Drake

for Dave Seal

Friday, October 07, 2011

3 November 1943 – 5 October 2011
Only learnt yesterday of the passing of Bert Jansch. Guess the noise about Steve Jobs overshadowed it....of whom my favourite quote amongst the hagiography came @serafinowicz who tweeted,
"I hope in Jobs' will he instructs Apple to give all the assembly
workers in China decent wages & conditions. (Sent
from my iPhone)."

This is the problem with eulogising Jobs, he was visionary in his products but not in his manufacturing. Outsourcing might be standard but it's part of the mess the West is in..................

......very sad news as Bert was one of my earliest heroes. Master guitarist and composer of one of the best songs ever about Heroin in 'The Needle of Death'. I don't usually post vids that aren't the artist performing but this one is the exception as I can't find any of him doing this classic song........working in the field of addiction it haunts me........still

Here I re-post his excellent set from Albany New York last year in tribute to an often overlooked master

R.I.P Bert Jansch '43-'11

"The River Bank" Bert with Johnny Marr and Bernard Butler on Later with Jools, 2000

Johnny Marr talks about Bert Jansch.....tribute indeed

Johnny & Bert "It Don't Bother Me"

From the profile TV programme Dreamweaver Bert does 'Reynardine'

Update: nice tribute article here from NPR NPR's Brilliant Guitarist Bert Jansch: An Appreciation

............and finally, for Bert, I have rummaged around down by the Castle Keep and found what I thought was a discarded rusty dusty tin box that had this in it. This is Bert Jansch from 'Bomber' Harris' BBC Radio 1 show back in 1993 several songs plus interview and if you do nothing else today listen to 'Rambling Boys of Pleasure' it will stop you in your tracks and haunt you forever.........

Through the ages, man's desires
To free his mind, to release his very soul
Has proved to all who live
That death itself is freedom for evermore

Go well, Bert we shall miss you

Saturday, October 01, 2011

 Jacques Dutronc - Mini, Mini, Mini/Francoise Hardy Blues
Now, I know I am not alone being driven to the point of madness by coming across music from adverts that you can place in terms of long term memory and ringing distant bells back in the old grey matter amongst the fluff and cotton wool filled dusty vaults but just can't quite put your finger on in the index cards and you search the internet....the websites devoted to such searches are largely not fast enough and some are really poor......but here's a recent Kleenex for Men advert soundtrack, featuring the French Pop legend that is Jacques Dutronc - 'Mini mini mini/Francoise Hardy Blues' check Youtube for the original video with Jaques and Francoise. It's a classic. Sadly I can't post it here because they've forbidden the embedding.......shame but still here 'tis..................

Jacques then........

"Mini, mini, mini"

Jacques now.........