
Thursday, October 27, 2011

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Mark Twain

OK then, here we go....earlier on I had a look at the statistics and figures for the blog and the download agencies I use on here and came up with some interesting stuff [define 'interesting'! ED] I promised various things if we made a few targets and I may as well start the ball rolling here......we have some interesting figures

Spread of visitors by Country

Some breakdown of visitors by country since May 2009 makes facinating reading?
  • UK - 42%
  • USA - 29%
  • Germany - 6.7%
  • France - 4.5%
  • Italy - 3.6%
  • Holland - 3%
  • Nepal - 3%
  • Australia - 2.85%
  • Russia - 2.4%
  • Canada - 2.24%
  • Spain - 2.1%
  • Japan - 0.3%
Nepal?! Don't get carried away, it could be one person with an Apple mac in Nepal accessing several times year! ED

Increase in traffic (note when I started sharing music earlier this year 2011)

Broken down by visits to which page reveals that most people come here to check out Bob Dylan stuff!
  1. Bob Dylan page - 30%
  2. My Back pages - 23%
  3. Winter Hamper - 12.2%
  4. Ry Cooder - 11.5%
  5. Leonard Cohen - 9.15%
  6. My Music Page - 8.8%
  7. Captain Beefheart - 4.2%
  8. The Doors - 1%
There is some interesting stuff too as to who is accessing via whatever means...........

  •  Views by Browsers
    Firefox (44%)
    Internet Explorer (31%)
    Safari (11%)
    Chrome (9%)
    Opera (3%)
    Mobile (1%)
Given that I don't even know what 'Opera' is nor do I listen to it unless it can't be helped, I find this fascinating

Pages visited by Operating Systems: 
    • Windows (69%)
    • Macintosh (27%)
    • BlackBerry 127 (<1%)
    • Linux  118 (<1%)
    • iPhone  91 (<1%)
    • iPad    49 (<1%)
    • Android 40 (<1%)
    • Nokia  34 (<1%)
    • iPod    11 (<1%)
    This amuses me greatly, nearly 50 people accessed the site by iPad! 11 by iPod! An astounding 127 people accessed the pages by Blackberry! Somewhat more disappointing less than half the number of folk accessing via Windows browsed via Apple Macs! :o) Ha ha ha ha ha............... 
    So in tribute to these salient and pertinent (If staggeringly dull ED) FASCINATING results I have posted several new Bob Dylan boots....Where?........Over on the Dylan page where else?
    Boogie on Reggae Chillun'
    What can I say? Told yuh!


  1. Yep...I'm the 3% in Nepal with an Mac!!


  2. Fantastic Johnny C! Knew it was you! Love the mail outs from you in Nepal Sorry haven't been in touch but wanted to say what fantastic photos and record of your work out there. Bestest of bests Swappers
