
Monday, November 07, 2011

Had to re-post this from JohnnyC1959 who is back on track with his wonderful posting but he is back on the Annapurna trail and sends this missive this morning:

"A jeep ride from Pokhara takes us to Nayapul, one of the starting points for the Annapurna Circuit trek. The place is full of trekkers, decanting from a variety of different vehicles....a far cry from when R, J & B were here, and we had the circuit pretty much to ourselves...........

So far so uneventful, although the night proves to be a little less restful than I’d hoped. No sooner have I turned off the lights, the patter of tiny feet begins. It takes a little while to realise that they are actually in my room and the next few hours introduces me to a couple of simple parlour games to while away the hours of darkness.

Guess how long before the mice appear on your bed. A simple enough game, with points scored for accuracy. The mice score extra points if they can scale the bed post without the assistance of the bed cover which you’ve left carelessly trailing on the floor.
Guess which corner of the room the mice are going to run to next. Extra points scored if you can predict correctly with the light off, but in truth a game which really needs a light on if the mice are not going to have an unfair advantage.
There is an unexpected bonus too, in that the experience does enable me to identify a few gaps in my Nepali language...although I suspect that there’s only a limited use for ‘
why don’t you just f*** off now as I’m trying to sleep’.
A less than peaceful night does at least ensure that I’m up at the crack of dawn to see the first of what will be number of stunning sunrises....


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link Andy, and for your kind words. Much appreciated.

