
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hey! Big O have a Bobby D boot from Milan this year.......visitors will now that I check the wonderfully different 'Big O' ezine on a daily basis and always like to give them a plug especially when they post Bobby stuff and today is no exception
It's a Lincoln Park Mark production so you know its worthwhile........Big O says "Live at the Alcatraz Club, Milan, Italy; June 22, 2011. Very good to excellent audience recording.
Bob Dylan’s best live period might have been way behind him but anyone who is following his current tour could do well to pick up this recent Milan release from Crystal Cat. As a songwriter, musician and performer, Dylan on stage these days hardly surprises anyone. But what he can and will do is throw a few curve balls. According to gsparaco of, the source tape is reportedly an excellent audience recording.
This is what Barnaby Nelson wrote of the Milan set at
Dylan is clearly fit and in strong voice. He jogged to the keyboard Leonard Cohen style (didn’t think I’d ever write that). Apart from the song selection the thing that blew me away was how theatrically he was performing. For many of the songs he would prowl around the stage (front right, front left, centre, all the way back again) with hand held mic ‘acting out’ the drama of the lyrics with heaps of theatrical hand and body movements and facial expressions. Yes, there’s a bit of Al Jolson about it, a bit of ‘50s crooner, but more than a heavy dose of mad preacherman having a rant. Brilliant stuff. The closest thing I’ve ever seen to this is the footage of the Prague ’95 shows. It was most evident during Can’t Wait, Forgetful Heart, and Thin Man. Can’t Wait featured a final line of about four “I don’t know-s” in a row before the final refrain. He was really interacting fully with the  audience, who were giving him plenty of energy back.
Thanks to Lincoln Park Mark for sharing the tracks."

It's worth pointing out that this double disc set includes 6 tracks from earlier in June this past year at the Swiss Zirkusplatz in Sursee plus additionally versions of 'I Dreamed I Saw St Augustine' from Cork Ireland and 'Gonna Change may Way Of Thinking' from the Feis in London's Finsbury Park. It's worth it for the set from Milan's Alcatraz club - check out his 'I Don't Believe you ( She Acts Like We Never Have Met)' & ' Summer Days' if you think you've heard all you need of the more recent Never Ending Tour sets.......never fails to satisfy! Rockabilly rools!

His Bobness in Milan 2011 - Big O

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