
Thursday, October 25, 2012

My avid readers (ha ha ha....huh? ED) will have noted my passion for the work of John Prine, I have pretty much everything I can lay my hands on and really admire his songwriting skills...he introduced me to the broader work of Steve Goodman the author of 'City of New Orleans' a favourite evocative song which I first head via Arlo Guthrie ( I went through a massive Arlo phase around the time of 'Alice's Restaurant' and still admire him) so here I am especially pleased to note a posting (from Big O? ED) of a Steve Goodman set........
This includes a BBC set from 1976


  1. Some cracking stuff going on at Big O at the moment Mr. Swappers.
    The new Neil Pill is sounding pretty good too. Hope you are mending more quickly now

  2. Thanks Sealyman! It's a long hard road and the physio is interesting if hard. Will write more when I am allowed to! I am to stop drawing and typing as they are worried about the healing in my broken digits and wrists but more anon and good to hear from you my friend......
