
Monday, November 05, 2012


Big O says ( for it is they!) 

Live at the Voodoo Experience, City Park, New Orleans, Louisiana; October 26, 2012. Excellent webcast.
The upside is that Neil Young & Crazy Horse are on a roll - they are on fire. The downside is that, given Young’s catalogue, he could have played a much more varied set. But this is still a great time to collect live Neil Young - the sound is great and the performances are equally great.
This is what Keith Spera ( Times-Picayune) wrote:
In their jeans, T-shirts and work boots, accented by gray, thinning hair, glasses and/or a paunch, the four members of Neil Young & Crazy Horse looked like the guys who constructed Voodoo Fest’s main stage. Instead, they were the guys who deconstructed it… Young, bassist Billy Talbot, drummer Ralph Molina and rhythm guitarist Frank “Poncho” Sampedro muscled through two exhilarating hours of especially stout guitar rock. If Gary Clark Jr. was a fighter jet at Voodoo, Crazy Horse was a squadron of B-52 bombers…
In his book, Young revealed that he had, on a doctor’s suggestion, given up both pot and alcohol after a lifetime of indulging. A clear head apparently agrees with him. He was animated, laughing and clowning with his bandmates in “Fuckin’ Up” and elsewhere. And his playing, concentrated at the middle and far end of his guitar’s neck, was superb…
At 11 pm, as an encore of “Like a Hurricane” blew itself out, Young sacrificed his guitar. He tore off the strings, scratching them against the instrument’s pickups to produce more distortion. As the guitar lay prone, he contemplated it and nudged it with his foot, as if to see whether it was really dead. It was. In one of the greatest Voodoo sets to date, Young, abetted by Crazy Horse, played it to death.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse Oct 26th 2012

 Remember remember the 5th of November and if possible blow up the Houses of Parliament while you're about it!


  1. So much for "no typing". You are a very bad man.My friends are off to NYC next week....
    Hope that at least the election went the right way even if the weather didn't. Amazing photos
    Stick with the physic Swap!

  2. Thanks Sealyman! Only typed a sentence! Ain't cut n paste wonderful! Thanks for the comments . . .am getting there...still slow tho....more soon
