
Saturday, January 19, 2013

 Lou Reed

Study for Lou Reed 1976 A. Swapp - ink diffuser on handmade paper [destroyed]

Sorry peeps I have been away from my desk again . . . . . still not right and not been well all week but that's another story right and hey, that's no excuse right?
Here's a nice set from Uncle Lou for Big O fans and an update I will try to get back up with file sharing this year avoiding the two gangs of creeps who booted me off (see what I did there?!) without naming any names one lot I could cheerfully set on fire and the other 4shame, 4shame! but don't hold your breath (AS IF!? ED)

Interesting notes on this one (not least about Suzanne Vega Sic!) and despite the supposed 'bored' Lou this set is great and really listenable quality
For real hardcore Lou fans the line-up is:
 Lou Reed - vocals
Stuart Heinrich - guitar
Chuck Hammer - guitar synth
Ellard Boles - bass
Michael Fonfara - keyboards
Marty Fogel - sax
Michael Suchorsky - drums


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