
Saturday, August 03, 2013

Steve Winwood

I think like lots of Brits of a certain age we love Stevie Winwod like a bigger older wiser brother......following him from 'Keep on Running' as a teenager with The Spencer Davis Group with his brother Muff on TOTP to Traffic & and the Low Spark living up the road near the Rollright Stones, to seeing him live in Hyde Park with Ric, Eric and Ginge in 'Blind Faith' which we adored........through the solo albums ('Vacant Chair' is and still is a favourite 'Our song' type of number which we loved) and still today we have time for that keyboard genius and authentic British Soul voice! Let's not take him for granted!?
Here's a gem from earlier this month at the Lugano Switzerland Jazz Festival (go figure?!)
from Big O.

Can't wait from him at Glastonbury but maybe lose the 'John Barleycorn' Mutton chop whiskers!

Check the selection of tracks! Much from Blind Faith and scarcely a song from his solo output with the exception of 'Higher Love' perhaps. . . .
 . . . as Big O reports
And David Randall’s comments on Winwood’s gig at The Lowry, Salford on June 24, 2013 is equally applicable here:
Starting with the insistent ‘Rainmaker’ closely followed by ‘I’m A  Man’,  giving Winwood’s Hammond a chance to breathe and the band to stretch out, these were admirable scene setters.  One of our best soulful voices, Winwood is also equally content behind the organ or guitar as he led the band through an inevitably cursory cross-section of his musical history.  His mutton chop whiskers (perhaps in preparation for Glasto) now detract slightly from an ever youthful image.
A trawl through his Traffic past, the brief Blind Faith (if you couldn’t be there in Hyde Park in 1969 this was possibly the next best thing) and a couple of eighties ‘hits’ were punctuated by some extended set-pieces such as the Traffic songs ‘Low Spark…’ and ‘Light Up And Leave Me Alone’.

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