
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Big O excels
from The Night Before Last!


Treaty? What treaty?
The ACFN refer to themselves as K’ai Taile Dene, meaning “people of the land of the willow.” A Legal Defense fund was set up to support the ACFN’s legal challenges against oil companies and government that are obstructing their traditional lands and rights. As people of the land the ACFN have used and occupied their traditional lands in the Athabasca region for thousands of years, hunting, trapping, fishing and gathering to sustain themselves and continue spiritual cultural rights passed down through generations. The ACFN’s legal challenges will ensure the protection of their traditional lands, eco-systems and unique rights guaranteed by Treaty 8, the last and largest of the nineteenth century land agreements made between First Nations and the Government of Canada, are upheld for the benefit of future generations.

Wonderful stuff again from Big O! The guy’s is a global treasure, enigma and wonderment. Active politically and creatively still more than most of his peers
and informed too, I'm ashamed to say I didn’t know about Athabascan K’ai Taile Dene - keep sticking it to the Man Neil while you sing you heart out, power chords or nay!
Cool as it comes . . . . check this OUT!

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