
Monday, August 11, 2014

Dick Wagner

Dec. 14, 1942 - July 30, 2014

Like many guitar fans and Lou Reed fans too especially the release of 'Rock 'n' Roll Animal' came as a shock not least because of the astonishing guitar work of Dick Wagner and Steve Hunter. The legendary intro to 'Sweet Jane' a full suite of guitar beauty/battle before Lou had even strutted on stage took our breath away (credited by Wagner to Steve Hunter incidentally)  and if you want a treat it still does and turn it up to a window rattling 11, lie back and enjoy it!

Sad to report that Dick Wagner has passed away at the age of 71 from complications with his heart and astonished t learn more about the legendary axeman! Not least that he at least co-wrote 'Only Women Bleed' a single by Julie Covington that I bought when it came out and astonished to read the credit to Alice Cooper but here to find it was written by Dick Wagner amazed me  and I trust it brought him some royalties. The other side of his work left me cold somehow never being a fan of Cooper per se or indeed Kiss and the like but the obituary linked here from Rolling Stone says it all and is worth a read

Dick Wagner - Rolling Stone obituary

Lou Reed - 'Rock 'n' Roll Animal'
'Sweet Jane' intro by Steve Hunter and Dick Wagner

Dick Wagner at 70

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