
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sam Andrew 

Well, I guess on another birthday here it must just seem I post obituaries.  I am of an age now where I report all my heroes and influences and too many friends are passing away . . . . . . .  a seminal album influence was 'Cheap Thrills' from Janis Joplin and Big Brother and so I am sad to report guitar and bass player Sam Andrew has died at 73 after being in recovery from heart surgery . . . . . . . . .
here also a wonderful video from public broadcast TV a programme of cultural import if not the band at their musical height (sic!) they self confessedly were 'primitive' and started like we all did . . . . .
at the beginning . . . . . . .

there is a democracy here in Big Brother in that they clearly, like so many bands of the time, couldn't play and neither could we! Growing up in public . . . . . . . .you'll be missed Sam, not least by me

Ball and Chain at Monterey

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