
Monday, March 23, 2015

Bringing It All Back Home . . . . 

50 Years Ago today . . . .

Bob Dylan's fifth album came out 50 years ago today and once more he blew everyone's socks off if not their minds. The so called beginning of electric Bobby (it wasn't! his single 'Mixed Up Confusion was electric some three years earlier for one) ) but it had some strange STRANGE songs on board [check Bob's 115th Dream if you want some amphetamine fuelled lyrical surrealism]
The albums either side of this masterpiece and certainly the next three with this as the first and culminating in 'Blonde on Blonde' stand as one of the world's most creative periods in any artist's oeuvre without any doubt and arguments centre about what might be best considered Bob's best album of all time (impossible I know but these three alone are generally considered indispensable in any mature collection of vinyl records IMHO)
It also featured a contender for the first rock promo video with the beginning clips of D.A Pennebaker's film 'Don't Look Back' and 'Subterranean Homesick Blues' has come to be considered amongst the first but in reality was a part of the legendary film

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