
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

 Things we have learned this week . . . . . . . .(or have we?)


We (yes I say we . . . . . As a member of the human race ‘we’ . . . . ) OK then Assad's governing forces in Syria are dropping Chlorine Barrel bombs on HIS OWN people!
Syrian towns report chlorine barrel bombs dropped in one night last week at night (7.45, 8.45, 10.30pm) causing death, pain and chemical burns. I thought we collectively had agreed to stop chemical warfare? I thought we had agreed not to use barrel bombs? Let alone on civilians?! Let alone on children?! Russia's Mr Putin asked for proof as to who is dropping them. Who does he think is dropping them from helicopters? Only the Assad Government forces HAVE helicopters!

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I read with horror and of a murder trial which has begun into the case of a 15-year-old highly vulnerable girl whose body has never been found but a 60-year-old man appears to have abducted and murdered her after "forcing" an accomplice [then 46] to practice necrophilia on the child's body.
Are we living in the times of Jack The Ripper? The times of child brothels and opium dens? It's so difficult to tell . . . . . . quite how you force someone to practice necrophilia is beyond me but the whole case is extremely distressing. The child's father was murdered himself two years back allegedly over an argument over a twenty pound note it would seem. The perp having groomed this poor girl for some considerable time prior to killing her after he had finished with her but why has it taken since 2007 to bring this to court? I despair and no longer feel like I understand the world around me!
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It has also caught my eye that arsonists are believed to be responsible for lighting upwards of more than. 400  fires in Wales during the first two weeks of April!
49 of which in the first 12 hours of the month. 
Worst affected areas for reasons best known to someone else are the Rhondda (Cynon Taff), which has seen 145 fires and the home of my favourite cheese Caerphilly with 58. Welsh rarebit anyone?! 
This is actually no joke and seems astonishing to me. They have cost South Wales Fire Service thus far about £795,000


On an even more serious note perhaps in response to the fact that the Estate of Joseph Goebbels has issued a writ against Random House for using Hitler's henchman's diaries, all of the living relatives of those who perished at the hands of the dread Nazi minister should counter sue for the loss and continued distress such actions engender? Just a thought
The family of Adolf Hitler's minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels, pictured (above) in September 1934, is suing a publisher for royalties over a biography that used extracts from his diaries 

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Speaking of little Hitlers, on a lighter note I am intrigued to read my neighbour (sic) Mr Richard Branson is not a fan of the tie and is given so he says, to "carrying a pair of scissors to cut off the tie of any unsuspecting wearer". I am a fan of one of the only sartorial fashion statements we men are able to display some individuality in without breaking the scruff barrier he so casually discards turning up to meetings looking like he is on perpetual holiday in Magaluf and I have tie designs by Raoul Dufy, Andy Warhol, Magritte and MC Escher so if I should bump into Mr Branson wielding a pair of scissors he better look out for he is liable to have them end up sticking out of his sartorially challenged neck!

Drizzle with a Wriggle?

A rain of earthworms has reportedly been sighted in Norway!?
Viewed by some as a precursor to the 'end of days', ("Repent! Repent!") it is thought the earthworms reportedly numbering some several hundred had probably been lifted by tornados and deposited on the snow-laden ground in several locations. Sightings of flying earthworms have been coming in from Lindas, Suidal, near Bergen, and as far a field as Femunden on the Swedish border. 

The household cleaner with the unlikely name of "Cillit Bang!" (sold in some countries as Easy-Off Bam or Easy-Off Bang "Easy Off Bang? Are you sure?!) whose UK advertisements are presented by the legendary "Barry Scott", a brashly enthusiastic shouty man pillock if ever there was one ... . .  I learned today is not his real name but is played by 'actor' Neil Burgess!  You just can't believe anything you see on tele any more! 
Is nothing sacred!?

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