
Monday, June 15, 2015

I find I am deeply disturbed by seemingly how fast youngsters appear to be being brainwashed by Isil or Isis terrorists so completely where once a young man described as a 'loving, kind and caring and affable teenager' turns into someone prepared to commit suicide by blowing themselves up in the business of killing innocent people in the name of supposed faith. I am also moved to the very marrow by what I read from this one young man's family The family of ISIS suicide bomber Talha Asmal (17) have spoken about their natural 'utter devastation and heartbreak' also went on to say something I found profoundly moving. Bravely and sanely put at an extraordinary time of such levels of distress few of us could imagine. 

 "As a family we would like to take this opportunity to unequivocally state that Isis are not Islam. They do not represent in any way, shape or form Islam and Muslims and we are no longer prepared to allow a barbaric group like Isis to hijack our faith

That is dignity!

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