
Friday, October 09, 2015

Johnny Galecki

Now I am a big fan of The Big Bang Theory and when I was recovering from my scooter accident at home for some months I am pretty sure I must have watched every episode several times and became like my daughter and her beloved 'Friends' able to quote whole chunks of dialogue. 

Especially the star Johnny Galecki who plays Leonard Hofstaeder obsessed with neighbour Penny played by Caley Cuoco. So finding these little gifs the other day I wasn't the least surprised but pleased beyond words at the content. 

Johnny Galecki, regarding rumors about him being gay.

Have we come a long way? When there are folk who lived through their sexuality being illegal still around, very much alive and still adjusting to their memories of their life being against the law, then there are straight people like this, I hope that brings some small comfort . . . .

In my life there have been many people who have thought I was gay and even asked me. Working in the Art world as I did for a long time (25 years or so) I encountered folk who might assume or even expect me to be. I have always considered this flattering! Why wouldn't I?

I find Johnny's response here really noteworthy . . . . . . . "why defend yourself about something that's not offensive?"

I  like him!

I like him . . . . .
There's something deeply interesting dignified and possessed of great integrity and acting in The Big Bang Theory especially somehow as it transpired he was having a relationship with co-star Caley Cuoco for two years and nobody knew, including the rest of the cast (!) It's being personal and why is it anyone else's business.

I like him - did I say that?

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