
Friday, December 04, 2015


A lifelong fan of the Pirelli Calendar from Brian Duffy (twice) to Barry Lategan, Sarah Moon, Harry Peccinotti to today with Annie Leibowitz you could always say "well as an Art student I need to observe what's going on" . . . . ha ha h a ha and all in the name or under the guise of art we men could satiate our sexist agenda with some vestige of hip. BUT for 2016 we might have known Annie Leibowitz would play it differently and you would be right!
A women of all ages, women of today theme Pirelli seems to have allowed her carte blanche to do whatever she wished and boy, did you know it was going to be different!
The shot of comedian Amy Schumer nearly nude is causing a hullabaloo for her chutzpah and sheer in your face bravado and Serena Williams in practically the same garb is brave but this also features shots of Yoko who is how old now!? Does it matter? Not one heck gosh darn iota!

Here's the shot of Patti . . . . . one of her best and one of THE best of Patti EVER . . .  in her sixties

copyright Annie Leibowitz 2016
pirelli calendar

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