
Friday, January 01, 2016


Photographers of the Year . . I wonder around the t'interweb and find photos that really grab my attention these are some of them . . . . .

'Moonshine' by Bertien van Manen.

Bogdan Dziworski

I adore this shot by Bogdan Dziworski. It is up there with Cartier-Bresson and other master photographers. This shot sums up the perennial chase of the sexes, the kiss chase inherent in all awakenings, the boy lunges futile and the girl laughs at once in control and out of reach. Such fun! Twas ever thus . . . .

This next shot from photojournalism really troubled me . . . . we want to know the outcome don't we?
Was the falling girl ok? what if she wasn't? Does that affect how you see this amazing image?   Photographe anonyme Italie 1960

Brando by Dennis Hopper

"To grasp the full significance of life is the actor’s duty, 
to interpret it is his problem, and to express it his dedication. 
I’ve got eyes like a dead pig."
Not everyone understood quite how great a photographer Hopper was. He had a keen eye and the opportunity to shoot many many great shots. Albeit those of famous folk around him they were unerringly challenging and creative.

This next shot stayed with me for the opposite reason than the above Italian one. It made me laugh out loud and is delightful in it's reveal on the attitudes concerned within, cute as a button these fearsome looking dudes will be grown men now . . . this amuses me no end! Aah such zest for life!
Three boys in Jamaica, 1974 © Rose Murray

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