
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

EU Hokey Cokey! In/Out and otherwise . . . . . 

Last night's BBC Referendum Debate in Wembley Arena (I kid you not) chaired by ex-Bullingdon Club member, David Dimbleby, raised more questions than it answered.

1/ if there is no going back once we have voted to leave and once OUT we won't be able to get back in again, then presumably if we stay IN we CAN leave later on down the line?  If say we lost a veto on condition countries like Turkey joining upset us in thirty or forty years time? So presumably we COULD leave at some future time if we wanted? Therefore stay in and if you still don’t like it, youngsters in particular, for we are voting on YOUR world now, some thirty years away when Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are trying to join why you could leave and start your own club then! No? Why not?

2/ A question occurred to me. If we are the "fifth biggest economy" in the world as both sides argued last night fifth biggest in the free world, presumably we have achieved this over the past 43 years (since we joined in 1973) you know SINCE we have been IN Europe not despite it? So why leave? If it’s not perfect do something about it by fighting the battle within. Don’t run away and hide! When did we as a nation EVER do THAT?

3/ I don't trust the Leavers who seem to have no plan for what to do if we leave but to sell off more of the countries assets, like a gang of self seeking asset strippers they will sell off OUR NHS to their mates and privatise still more of it than they have sneakily done already. They have sneaked past a wages bill In the guise of a ‘minimum’ wage law into a “living” wage law so that workers can be paid LESS or see overtime cut and benefits of work reduced (see the evidence - Amazon, Tesco, Waitrose, Costa Coffee, John Lewis etc).
Don't trust these Johnsonite shysters and the shifty and disingenuous Andrea Leadsom who had been one of the bankers (Barclays Head Office, Financial Institutions Director) we trust SO much. They are Chauvinistic, asset stripping LIARS (Europe costing 350million a week that we “send” to Brussels is a LIE!) intent on finding more profit for their cronies by selling off what belongs to us, you know our country and dividing it up amongst themselves and if you shake their hands count your ring fingers and check your watch afterwards! They seemed last night to have been programmed or prompted to get the buzz words in “Take back Control! Vote Leave on Thursday” like a mantra, The only snag with that being that it really REALLY grates after two or three times never mind ad nauseam

4/ Take back control? You aren't IN control of Westminster now when little more than a quarter of the populace (some 27%) voted this lot in, therefore the majority 73% OF US! didn't want a Conservative party in charge in the first place! Riding roughshod over our services, cutting our council budgets and pocketing the cash, endless cuts to OUR services causing double back recessions from the result of the Bankers playing fast and loose with our mortgage money so that this government has created a larger National DEBT than the past four Labour Governments put together (check it out!£555 billion since 2010) 

Changing the face of education and selling it off alongside our OUR NHS>
When you have to pay to see the Nurse and your prescriptions cost more than you can afford and you don’t have insurance for your hernia don’t come crying to me that you have had your Health Service sold out from under your noses
Leaving Europe will make this WORSE!
Once they have got shot of the Human Rights act they want get rid of workers protections supported by Europe, check out the history of the trade unions it took years of blood sweat and tears to win those workers rights. People died for those rights and we have still been walked over time and time again by the right wing. They want to ride roughshod over our education by privatising schools into academies making them run by unqualified commercial interests rather than teaching for teachings sake, education is a human right you know? Threatening the culture, the arts and music for commercialised subjects producing drones to work their so-called commercial interests rather than institutes of excellence. More little bankers anyone? They want to rid you of your rights rather than have a system of checks and balances from Europe with the basic Human Rights act once protected going out the window they will be able to get rid of the laws. Do you people like a failed journalist and unqualified second rate business man (Gove) in charge of that? Do you want a failed businessman in charge of your NHS selling it off to his cronies when he cannot sell marmalade to the Orient (Hunt)?

5/ There is one simple fact about immigration currently that we seem to be missing amid all the hysterical Britain First/BNP funded (sic) hysteria and plain racist xenophobia
Immigrants have contributed more to our economy than they have taken out! Simple so let them come under the conditions that they always have. We haven't been overwhelmed since 1973, immigrants counts as less than 4% since then so nothing is at "breaking point" at all! So why would we be overwhelmed if we vote to continue the job we started?
As evidenced by Gisela Stuart, Priti Patel, Farage’s wife etc immigrants have much to contribute or they wouldn't be here!

6/ ALL economic experts agree we are better off IN, the professors and lecturers at LSE, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) and the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) etc etc just because I do not have an understanding of economics doesn't mean I KNOW better than the guys at LSE it means I need to trust them when they say it would be a catastrophe if we left, triggering a recession, wages falling, jobs decreasing and the pound in my pocket being worth less! THAT is what these experts are for! That we now mistrust independent experts is one of the cleverest sleights of hand the LEAVE campaign have managed in brainwashing folk. Rather you would believe Boris Fracking Johnson!? I don’t think so! The man’s an idiot that I wouldn’t put in charge of a slip wire ride

7/ Finally. Please do NOT confuse migration with refugees! We have a duty to rescue refugees fleeing in fear and terror from Syria and the barbaric ISIS/ DAISH caused terror, slaughter and chaos and do not confuse the bodies of little children washing up on the shores of the Mediterranean with people seeking to migrate here for work! FOR WORK! We owe BOTH an intelligent and understanding response to BOTH things AND can afford to do so as we are the "fifth biggest economy" in the world!

8/ Boris, borrow the jingoistic nonsense from the film ‘Independence Day’ by all means but did you actually watch the film? It didn’t go well!

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