
Friday, June 24, 2016

NO WAY BACK . . . . . .



3.00am Pound Plummets already as early results show a significant pull ahead for the LEAVE vote!
Worst trading day on record for the £ EVER. (Where's the Pound? Oh there it goes off the bottom of the chart)
Chief engineer of the EU referendum Nigel Farage says "we will win war whatever the outcome"! (So why exactly have we bothered Nige?!) didn't know we were at war but hey . . . !

4.20am as the LEAVE campaign heads towards 52% of the share, a volatile pound hurtles wildly out of control drops past the value of the Euro, hurtling past the dollar and is headed below the chocolate coin in Little Johnny and his sister Xenophobia's last year's Christmas stocking, Mr and Mrs Little Englander wake on Friday morning to find the pound in their purses scarcely worth a pocketful of brick dust, their house worth less than a tent in Istanbul and the politicians considering giving themselves another double figure pay rise if they can negotiate with the bankers the value of a fruitgum Boris found down the back of the green leather banquette.

You mean they fell for it?
Want (or need) a modicum of positivity on this sad day? Check out Paul Mason. He even has a plan bless 'im!
Personally I think he is wrong but I would so like him to be right. It might(I say might!?) make you feel a bit more positive that there are folks like this thinking hard about what comes next.
He certainly has a point but I fear his wide eyed optimism here is way off mark. Glad someone isn't feeling despondent and even naive enough to come up with a plan but I have this terrible feeling he's wrong. It is not the collapse of the neoliberal Blairite centralists it is the resurgence of a right of centre working class self interested, xenophobic, blinkered and could care less about our services, education and NHS  being flogged off to Little Slimey Johnny HUNT and his cronies. 
Sad sad day.

As PM Cameron resigns [well in October], we look forward to his replacement

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