
Monday, June 13, 2016


Didn't know what to post this Monday morning on any social media, Facebook, here or anywhere. . . . I used to kind of begrudgingly understand there were rules in war, your army gets sent to face your enemies army and there are terrible losses until folks can get back round the table and do what is necessary to get along. TALK! 
Now it is young people . . . dancing . . . in a club that has somehow become a legitimate target for your so called war, the desire to strike terror in the innocent. Blind frightened slaughter of innocents. What is it about gay people you are frightened of?It makes no sense and blind indiscriminate killing is the order of the day as children on the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea wash up on the shoreline. No religion I have ever studied (that's most) supports the indiscriminate killing of its own, it's enemies for their sexual orientation or alternate belief system or their own children. What religion is it that compels the slaughter of Christian, Muslim or atheist alike?
I am not gay and neither is my wife but some of the most wonderful, affectionate, intelligent, warm and loving friends and colleagues have been and indeed are.
This then for the families and friends of Orlando . . . . .I start my week with a moment's quiet reflection
I am not gay and neither is my wife but some of the most wonderful, affectionate, intelligent, warm and loving friends and colleagues have been and indeed are. This then for the families and friends of Orlando . . . . .

                                        I start my week with a moment's quiet reflection

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