
Monday, October 03, 2016


On the turntable today is a peach [set of peaches there's five count em!] from the masters of neat and lively blues based rock 'n' roll! featuring the legendary Lee Brilleaux and one of my favourite rhythm guitarists the equally legendary Wilco Johnson (if you think he couldn't really play check this out!]. Check this if you want a lesson in how to play chops on the Telecaster! I saw the Dr way back in what was then Oxford Polytechnic. They shook the place down to the ground! I didn't then know quite what to expect but they blew us all away with the lively 'pub rock' bluesy sound which doesn't really do them justice but this boxed set does. If you need cheering up download this lot . . . . . . . . .you need a doctor!

This is posted from the equally legendary Willard's Wormholes and if you don't know what to do then just ask . . . . . . . Willard says:

Looking Back (1995)Just an Old Fashioned Blues Band… Sorta. It’s probably a bit of overkill for the casual fan, but this five disc box gathers together a bulk of Dr. Feelgood’s finest early material – a nervous, wired, jittery form of basic blues – and mixes it with the band’s lesser known work from later years… music that has its moments, but lacks some of the gritty essence of the hell-raising terrors that torn through the Pre-Wave movement when guitarist Wilco Johnson was rallying the charge. Disc 5 is filled with interview segments and radio shows that, while telling the band’s story, has limited re-listening value… especially when the edgy drinking man’s blues/rock of 1975’s Down By The Jetty and Malpractice and 1977’s Be Seeing You and Sneakin’ Suspicion are actively calling for your time and attention from other discs. Still… as the band soldiered on with yearly releases, until slowing at the turn of the century, lead singer Lee Brilleaux’s Dr. Feelgood kept the faith, if not quite as many fans, and this box captures the highs of all the band’s highs and lows

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