
Tuesday, November 01, 2016

BOB DYLAN - Philly '95

gotta follow up the Bobby news with some fine bootlegs that have popped up the last few days . . . . . in celebration for his Nobel Prize for Literature I guess . . . . . . . .
From the uniformly excellent Big O (yes yes and I know there's more . . . . . ) today

‘Theater of Living Arts' Philadelphia 1995

Some have though though this recording a bit 'hot' but for me it is amongst some of the best and with a tad of turning the twiddly bits on an equaliser you would get the balance to suit personal taste. It is however well balanced and largely clear on the vocals and thankfully for the plethora of recent recordings from the last ten years or so mercifully free of audience irritation.
I love it and I am getting picky now . . . . highly listenable and check out Big O's notes and enthusiasms from those posting it

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