
Thursday, November 24, 2016

WITHNAIL connection of the Week

 (for my old pal Phil Munday)

'Willow' Robinson is Bruce Robinson's son and he's a singer . . . . . . . Bruce of course being the brains behind writing and directing 'Withnail and I' the legendary quasi-autobiographical cult movie adored by everyone sane (or not) also the author of one of the last works of fiction I read 'The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penman' (97 I think or thereabouts). . . . . . Robinson Snr hasn't written much but this is extraordinary IMHO

As for Willoughby Robinson I am not sure, he has a strong voice and can clearly play guitar very well, this just sounds all a bit self conscious, the first single 'Stones' especially so. All a bit earnest and intense. But I imagine he could go far . . . . . . . and I am a very old man so what the Frack do I know . . . . . ?

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