
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Bill Murray on Dogs

Well Bill (Murray) your comments about dogs are very revealing and I am sure you are a great comedian and generally funny guy as evidenced by your reported social behaviour and your history of work in film but you reveal yourself there as emotionally stunted and possessed of an inability to read or understand people. 

Trusting animal’s behaviours rather than your own senses and judgement of people suggests a lack of emotional intelligence. Domesticated animals and especially dogs have been bred my man from time immemorial to respond to a set of very simple commands designating certain functions, needs, impulses and desires and whilst they maybe good at catching rats or similar as such they serve very little purpose in understanding anything of any great intellectual depth. They have a great many finely tuned attributes it's true and can sense, smell and see things very differently to us but to assign them wisdom of any emotional depth when it comes to people is absurd. 

I do not trust them and as such they know this and sense it certainly, hence we are both wary of each other. This seems sensible and while I have met some nice ones and some odd ones and some possessed of no discernible intelligence whatsoever, some have turned around with no threat and bitten me! They are as wide a range of personality type as any other animal including ourselves and are as much to be trusted as the great majority of mankind especially en masse. As in, not at all if you can possibly help it. They will turn on you and bite you given the right opportunity. 

Dogs are all descendants of the wolf remember and have merely been bred to be comfortable, useful and pleasant but above all obedient. Always worth remembering if hungry enough the wolf will eat you whilst you are still alive and it will start at your softest bits, your throat, entrails and privates while your heart still pumps, until there is very little of you left remaining. If you were to die in your room your pet dog would eat you before the week was out. All dogs are direct descendants of the wolf. You might do well to remember that. People on the other hand are really complicated and the first thing you might be best encouraged to do is to talk together to people you feel you might like to get to know. However above that I would recommend that more than talk, you listen

©️Ronan Donovan

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