
Wednesday, February 08, 2017


LIVE IN OSLO! 1968!!

Yes that's what I said. Didn't think I would be writing that any time soon and it astonishes me that I have written it just now but bear with me. Big O (where else?) have posted the most extraordinary set this morning from Oslo in 1968. Noe ordinarily and in my experience this would spell disaster in terms of quality and recording. Not so!
This is clearly lifted from the audio track of a TV broadcast and probably from Norwegian audio sources but is really a treat. Pentangle were truly important in terms of the development if not birth of folk/rock and the line up alone here inspires each being a exemplary player in their own right and all this with the soaring pure vocals of Jacqui McShee. It is really worth a listen

It is worth posting the intro from Big O if only to convince you of how great this truly is

They say -
Croatian Viewing Festival, The Dolphin Club, Masonic Building, Oslo, Norway; May 30, 1968 (broadcast June 7, 1968). Very good mono soundboard (likely ripped from TV broadcast).
A pristine 40 minutes’ worth of Pentangle live footage! Incredible. The thing that always impresses me about this band is how seamlessly they blend together so many different ingredients. Today, the folk-rock-jazz hybrid is a fixture on the landscape, but in 1968, there wasn’t really a map for Jansch, McShee, Thompson, Cox and Renbourn to follow. But their fearless explorations still remain pretty much unsurpassed. - doomandgloomfromthetomb
Thanks to NewWildWest for sharing the show at Dime.
+ + + + +
Try it you really won't be disappointed

Chris dropped by with a link to the tape of this

Pentangle live on Vine Festival


    You might find this interesting - source of the set.

    Cheers, Chris

  2. Thanks SO much Chris! Will post this properly . . . .fab! So astonished by the quality of this
