
Thursday, March 23, 2017

    LOCAL NEWS [thanks to Popbitch] 

                    Trump Jr was the Zodiac killjoy

Donald Trump Jnr may be acting tough on Twitter arguing with Sadiq Khan, but
  he hasn't always been so brave.

  Once when he visited Oxford, he decided he wanted to go to the Zodiac club.
  First he sent people in to check he could come in. Then he sent more people to
  sweep the venue before he finally turned up himself, surrounded by security.
  Don Jr headed straight for the "VIP" section but was so terrified of the people in
  there and the general debauchery, that he turned round and walked straight out  
  on his lime green heels. Sad!

  Chelsea Clinton, on the other hand, used to go to the Disque Vogue night at the
  same club and happily dance the night away. (You could always tell where she
  was on the dance floor due to the two large security men who would stand
  motionless on either side of her.)

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