
Sunday, March 12, 2017


Yesterday I had a mild aberration and bought a Saturday broadsheet newspaper (The Guardian as it goes - a newspaper I had previously bought for over 40 years but recently gave up on as it turned into the sort of endless mindless crap all the others were spouting) just to reassure myself they all were the same and preaching a right wing reactionary constant stream of drivel. This one had the wondrous Jack Monroe and her cascade of red dyed hair or perhaps it is a beacon (sic!) who had won a libel case over the truly dreadful knee jerk reactionary that passes for content creator in the Daily Fail these days in their so called 'columnist' Katie Hopkins and I wanted very much to revel in Jack's triumph over the forces of ignorance, bile and stupidity.

However I am still wrestling with the inserts and the volumes of advertising materials, the postcards,  the glossy sheets of holiday info, the truly awful middle class advertising and pointless drivel of the chattering class  . . . so much so that I am still very much resembling dear Buster here . . . . . . . . . . . .

OK well it did also have a picture of the gorgeous Gillian Anderson on it too but that is on the front of the magazine and I haven't managed to tear off the plastic wrapping to the main source of of a sliding avalanche of gloss and pap . . . . . . . think I'll go back to reading my book. 
Happy Sunday!

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