
Thursday, April 06, 2017

ALSO on this day . . . . . . . . 

On this day in music history: April 5, 1968 - James Brown performs at the Boston Garden in Boston, MA. The concert takes place the day after Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination. The city of Boston, along with many other major cities across the US sees major rioting as people express their anger and grief at the loss of the civil rights leader. At the behest of Boston’s mayor Kevin White, Brown makes a televised plea for the rioting to stop. His concert is broadcast live on local PBS television station WGBH in Boston, and is immediately rebroadcast after the live telecast. People are moved to stop rioting to stay home and watch the concert. The original concert “Live at the Boston Garden: April 5, 1968” is released on DVD in August of 2008. The landmark show is also commemorated in a documentary produced by PBS and VH1 titled “The Night James Brown Saved Boston”.

Extraordinary scenes! . . . . . . . .  Following the 'cod' collapsing which I always really enjoyed and can remember the first time I saw James get draped with his glitter jacket and be carried off only to reappear and be dragged back by the sounds, here the crowd gets a little unruly for understandable reasons but check out the Godfather control the crowd. Truly extraordinary!

another from Jeff Harris' wonderful music blog

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