
Friday, April 14, 2017


- Complete Collaborations

From Big O recently and you may want to grab these bits before they all disappear but this is a gem a collection of all the rehearsals and boot performances between these two. Completely excellent and mostly peerless quality apart from some of the live tracks but worth having in their entirety none-the-less. Almost worth having for just one track the peerless acoustic version of 'Blind Willie McTell'

Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler - complete collaborations 79-86 Disc 1

Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler - complete collaborations 79-86 Disc 2

Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler - complete collaborations 79-86- Disc 3

[remember Big O generally only posts these links live for a couple of weeks so grab 'em quick]

The only (sic) mild irritation is the cover note declaring that track 6 on Disc 3 is 'Rock 'em Dead' which frankly is just sloppy as it is obviously 'Eranium Rock' by legendary Rockabilly star Warren Smith. Given Bob's encyclopaedic knowledge of his subject it is merely lazy to assume otherwise and not search for the song and correctly identify it. 

To labour the point here's the original which is peerless fun and no mistake (sic!)

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