
Monday, May 22, 2017


“There used to be a situation where we’d go in as we did when we were kids, pick up our guitars, all learn the tune and chords and start talking about arrangements. But there came a time … when Paul had fixed an idea in his brain as to how to record one of his songs … It was taken to the most ridiculous situations, where I’d open my guitar case and go to get my guitar out and he’d say, ‘No, no, we’re not doing that yet.’ … It got so there was very little to do, other than sit around and hear him going, 'Fixing a hole …’ with Ringo keeping the time.” - George Harrison
“I think a lot of his solos were very distinctive and made the records. He didn’t sound like any other guitarist. The very early days we were really kids and we didn’t think at all professionally. We were just kids being led through this amazing wonderland of the music business. We didn’t know how it went at all - a fact that I’m kind of glad of ‘cos I think it meant that we made it up. So we ended up making things up that people then would later emulate rather than us emulating stuff that we’d been told. In the very early days, it was pretty exciting. I remember going to auditions at Decca and each of us did pretty well, y’know. We were in a pub afterwards having a drink and kind of debriefing and coming down off the excitement, but we were still pretty high off it all…” – Sir Paul McCartney


  1. You're right. Nobody reads this blog. Except me, and I live in Yarnton!! Just wanted to say keep up the good work. I love the 'rare' stuff you put up - like these bits from the fab 4 - I've not seen them before. Also love the albums I bought when they first came out - I too bought most of these when they came out, so we both must be old rockers! Anyway, as Sting sang 'woke up this morning, don't believe what I saw' - you ain't alone.
    Keep on rocking in the free world.

    PS I AM going to hit the 'I'm not a robot' button now, so there!!!

  2. Dave! You're a Diamond!
    You are more than welcome my friend Yarnton you say!?
