
Monday, May 29, 2017


In case anyone had been wondering, the sad demise of music weblog par excellence bar none Willard's Wormholes has given up the ghost and like many fans I had been worrying he had been ill or worse but the news is after ten years he had merely had enough. Our terrible loss is best explained here . . . . . . . at fellow bloggers BB Chronicles and Powerpop . . . . . . . 

Thanks Willard, you will be missed . . . . . . . . 


  1. Must admit Willard provided some great music for me - Especially Richard Thompson, great stuff - which I would've missed if not for Willard. I wish him well, and thanks Andy for updating us/me.

    BTW - 'this day in music' - do you create that or lift it from somewhere? I love it.
    I ask, as I'd like to copy it for our bands facebook page. We play 60's music, and I think This day in Music (of 60's only) would be a great thing to inform our followers. Obviously I'd include reference to your site, if you permit me to use it.
    Cheers and keep on rocking in the free world.

  2. Oh Dave I thought I had been clear. I lift most of my "on this day in music" straight from the wonderful Jeff Harris' blog Behind The Groove here and then just add my own notes You would have to ask Jeff. I do always try to credit his site and hope I haven't made it look like a steal!!!? All the best Andy

  3. Cheers Andy - you may have been clear, I just missed it!!?!?!? Anyway, we all steal something don't we? That's a Lennon quote, I think - but hopefully you'll put me right on that - or it should definitely be a Zep quote ;) I'll check out the Behind the groove site. Thanks again and keep on.....oh you know the rest!
