
Friday, June 16, 2017

More singles I bought when they came out and I think after before [I checked!] 'Lily The Pink' but I LOVED the Scaffold and was a fan of both Mike McGear (Paul McCartney's brother) and a life long fan of Liverpool poet Roger McGough and comedian John Gorman too. I adored the Liverpool poets and had the Penguin collection of that name and include a precocious interest in Adrian Mitchell, Brian Patten, Adrian Henri et al  and the guys here largely thanks to John Lennon I think with his two books and again bought both in paperback when they came out and even spoke and wrote in mock Lennonese from his writing for many a year at school. I went on to buy Grimm's 'Rockin' Duck' too and continued to follow McGough's output and 
So guys, 'Thank You Very Much'!

The Scaffold
Thank You Very Much

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