
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

I often wondered . . . . . . . . I well recall the Black Power salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the Mexican Olympics in 1968 and admired them for such a stand. I was young enough [15] to register the event with shock and excitement with the frisson that something was happening and did not yet understand the full implications or ramifications but occasionally wondered at the white man who came third and what his story might be . . . . . . . . they discussed what they intended to do with Peter Norman the Australian athlete and he quickly found a fellow Olympian with a Human Rights badge and wore it on the rostrum.

 As a result he was ostracised and became a footnote in sport and he died broke and sick and dishonoured by his countrymen and elsewhere. Tommie and John turned up in Australia to carry his coffin when he passed away in 2006. Of course we focussed on the actions of Smith and Carlos but I wondered about the Bronze medallist. All three men an awesome part of Black Rights, Human Rights, and standing up for what you believe in. I am indebted to Ice T who posted this on Twitter in case we forget our collective history 

 PHOTO: Tommie Smith (left) and John Carlos carry the coffin of Peter Norman in Melbourne in 2006. (AAP: Julian Smith)

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