
Saturday, December 16, 2017

TOMORROW . . . .

this stands as one of the most frightening scenes in any film and it has haunted me ever since . . .look to Austria today look at the world around us, the Le Pens and the Britain First brigade, the alt-right so called but let us not shy away from calling it as we see it, let us call a spade a shovel, they were fascists then and are fascists now . . . . . . . and one thing we do know from history repeating is that they didn't win then and they won't win again 

Stay alert and keep an eye out for the ultra right wing amongst us. Insidious, devious and slippery yet fortunately mostly not that bright but they do walk amongst us so be careful out there  . . . . oh and back then tomorrow did NOT turn out to belong to the Nazis did it? Tomorrow still does not belong to them either . . . 

"The wolves are running . . . . . .  " [J.Masefield]

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