
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Further visits to the end of live Beatles . . .  

On this day in music history: January 30, 1969 - The Beatles perform live for the last time on the roof of the Apple building at 3 Savile Row in London. Filmed as the climax of the documentary film “Let It Be”, the band perform a forty-two minute long impromptu set (only half appears in the finished film) consisting of the songs “Get Back” (performed twice), “Don’t Let Me Down”, “Dig A Pony”, “One After 909” and “I’ve Got A Feeling”. The performance quickly attracts attention from the street below, drawing a huge crowd, stopping traffic in central London, and leading the police to bring the concert to a halt. The roof top concert captures a rare glimpse of The Beatles during their last days as a functioning unit, and becomes an iconic moment in their history.

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