
Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Now here's a PEACH!

from the legendary and always readable  Voodoo Wagon this morning

Voodoo Wagon says of 2017:
Here with our first post of the year. This is probably all over the net, but this is my copy and my rip. Enough of the legal junk.  It is now time for the annual Floppy Boat Wagon's awards for best blogs of the year. That's right our yearly tradition is back, all the brothers here have worked tirelessly to compile your votes and come up with what you've really come here for. So without further ado here they are.
1. Blog with the worst following.....The winner...again same as last year...Mick Jagger has a sore penis.
2. Most downloaded file of the year.....The winner....Beyonce's twins first slap blogspot
3. Most read blog of the year....The winner..... the blog that nobody reads (ahem!?)
4. Blog with the most suckass followers......The winner.....where there's a will there's a wood
5. Blog with the worst downloads....The winner.....All Things Alvin and the Chipmunks
6. Blog with the most helpful information...The winner...oh wait we have a tie....Find your pant size here blogspot along with 8-Track repair blogspot
7. Blog with the most accurate predictions.....The winner is....The doomsday clock
8. Blog with the least followers....The winner.....Fat ass's in thongs
9. Blog with the most useless information.....The winner...Fox and friends
And finally the one you've been waiting for
10. Blog of the year.....The winner....oh wait we have another tie....Voodoo Wagon along with The Floppy Boot Stomp

Top stuff!


  1. Just so you know you could probably change the name of your blog to "The Blog that (at least)one person reads daily. I love your site and do check it there. And yes I do love "Songs I bought when they came out"

  2. Aw shucks Jobe I's blushing now! Thanks for your kind words and I check in with you daily too!

  3. At least two...Hi Swappers.. Hope all good with you and yours..

  4. Aww thanks Johnny . . . nearly missed that comment! Thanks for dropping by. This being cooped up is weird huh? Slightly crawling the walls here but hey . . . . . .its sunny and there's always music! Sad to hear about John Prine it has broken me here! :(
