
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Football and Music?

One I know a fair bit about and, certainly by now, know what I like (it's like art you know! ha ha) Football? I know less than I do about quantum physics . . . . . . do the two ever meet? Art and Football not Football and Quantum Physics, in case I wasn't clear . . . . Well, for some avid fans (of both) it has mystical resonance I am sure. In fact I know . . . . . how do I know? Well I went here and read the wonderful entry at 1 Man Went 2 Moan by my good buddy and lifelong Chelsea fan (well someone's got to!) in his blog Left at Fulham Broadway 

Phylis and Sharon enjoy a kick about in the park

Known football obsessive, Bob Marley

Jumpers for goalposts

Robert "Splendid Tackle" Plant, for pity's sake man put some shorts on, bless 'im, then . . . .

 . . . . .and now

See who you can spot here in this parody of The Verve's 'Bitter Sweet Symphony' by Richard Ashcroft not sure what he would have thought about Paul Kaye's mimicry and and there was a fuss about the Portuguese invented Goan recipe being mocked in a football chant as racist somehow but Keith Allen and Alex James had fun any way as did Matt Lucas, Eddie Tenpole-Tudor, Damien Hirst, Ricky Grover and Rowland Rivron to name but a few.  Originally intended as a parody of football chants it became one itself and was adopted by the FIFA World Cup of 1998. A tournament that was as memory serves won by France to add insult to injury and make the cruellest of ironies as we Brits love to hate one race above all other, the French! 


  1. Aww thanks Andy. Love that picture of Robert Plant. Unusual that with no other player in sight one's first reaction is 'splendid tackle.'I've already got me coat....

  2. Ha ha ha ha that deserves an update!
