
Friday, August 03, 2018

Phos’phrous chimney burnin’
Mortal man’s a’ learnin’
Time n’ space a’ turnin’
Motor’s n’ men a’ churnin’
fac’trys no place f’ me
boss man, let me be
Wind n’ waves a’ blowin’
Mountain ‘n sky a’ showin’
Bee n’ flower growin’
Boy n’ girl a’ glowin’
fac’trys no place f’ me
boss man let me be
Mind n’ sight a’ goin’
Muscle n’ bone a’ showin”
One thing sure I’m knowin’
Get a fire goin’
fact’ry’s no place for me
boss man let me be
boss man let me be
boss man leave me be

Checked with Herb Bermann’s original lyric sheet via Doc at The Radar Station
Songwriters: Don Van Vliet / Herb Bermann / Jerry Handley

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