
Friday, August 24, 2018

Nuff said . . . . . . one of the finest drummers who ever lived . . . . simple . . . . . we miss him . . . . . wish we could have helped him with his desperate struggle with alcoholism . . . .  celebrate with this very WEIRD clip! check it . . . . . . who are YOU?

Born on this day: August 23, 1946 - Legendary drummer Keith Moon of The Who (born Keith John Moon in Wembley, Middlesex, UK). Happy Birthday to this rock icon on what would have been his 72nd Birthday.

butter wouldn't melt!

On this day in music history: August 24, 1967 - Following a performance by The Who at Atwood Stadium on August 23rd, the band and numerous guests attend a birthday party held for drummer Keith Moon at the Holiday Inn in Flint, MI. The party is put on by the bands record label Decca Records and Premier Drums to celebrate the drummers 21st birthday. The celebration goes on into the early morning hours and degenerates into drunken debauchery and mayhem, with Moon leading the way. Party goers allege that a highly inebriated Moon blows up the toilet in his hotel room with a stick of dynamite, followed by setting off fire extinguishers, then taking the huge birthday cake and starting a massive food fight. The hotel manager call Sheriff’s deputies to have the party shut down. When Moon sees the police, he turns to run away and slips on a piece of cake, breaking one of his two front teeth. Still running from the police, the drummer jumps into the nearest car (allegedly either a Cadillac or Lincoln Continental) and ends up driving the car into the hotel swimming pool. The incident goes down in infamy, becoming a part of Moon’s legend, as well as earning The Who a lifetime ban from the Holiday Inn and a $50,000 bill for damages.

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