
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Speaking of Bobs! . . . . . here's a compilation of His Bobness worth a listen and before you pooh-pooh a compilation, let me say it is from the redoubtable soniclovenoize so a labour of love you can be sure of that! I haven't posted anything new from him for a while but to refresh your memories, he compiles albums that never came came to be . . . . . . . . . at his blog albums that never were

Bob Dylan Medicine Sunday - Albums That Never Were

What soniclovenoize does is meticulously research the sources for tracks that reconstruct albums that were intended for release but for a wide variety of reasons never came to fruition. I first came across his wonderful blog when searching for Captain Beefheart material and found his beautifully reconstructed ' . . . Plain Brown Wrapper' . . . . now again let me be clear, I was sceptical at first but after checking out the Beefheart I 'got' what he was doing and it has to be said the text accompanying his projects is worth checking out alone let alone availing yourself of the download! He is simply a master at at! Have it mon braves! Enjoy! I know I did . . . . . . . . ;)

He says "hello i am soniclovenoize. because i have too much time on my hands, i waste it by reconstructing famous unreleased albums. here are some of them. enjoy." he's not wrong! They're fab!

For my avid (rabid?) fans [you haven't got ANY you poor deluded fool! - ED] the Beefheart I mention is here 

It come to you in a plain brown wrapper . . . .

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