
Sunday, October 07, 2018

This planet's weird . . . . . . . .

they're 'Monkey Slug Caterpillars'! . . . of course they are!

While it looks like a nightmare creature that should be avoided, the monkey slug caterpillar is relatively harmless. Thanks to David L. Wagner, who tested it himself, the hairs of this species of caterpillar don't sting. That said, it may still cause a reaction for some sensitive people, so if you come across a monkey slug, it's best to avoid touching it.
Contrary to the happy metamorphoses made by story-time creatures like ugly ducklings and hungry caterpillars, the monkey slug transforms into ... the hag moth. (Poor thing just has to be content with drawing the short straw for attractiveness no matter its stage of life.)
The species is found from Maine and Quebec south to Florida, and west to Nebraska, Arkansas and Mississippi. 

thank you
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