
Saturday, November 24, 2018


Austin Texas 2018

Big O posted a lovely set yesterday from the wonderful John Prine who I adore and have pretty much everything by. This despite his recent struggles with his health, is extraordinarily good and when most folks would have given up and be content to sit on the porch puffing on a pipe John is out there still spreading the message

Radio broadcast quality in case your worried and get this before it disappears

"The dogs were barking as the cars were parking
The loan sharks were sharking the narcs were narcing
Practically everyone was there
 . . . . . . .
You know what blood looks like in a black and white video?
Shadows, SHADOWS! that's what it looks like"

If you do one thing today then play 'Lake Marie' real LOUD so the neighbours can hear!

Track 10. Lake Marie 7:27

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