
Thursday, November 15, 2018


Now I haven't seen any of Game of Thrones (it's been on for over nine years [I think] so catch up seems unlikely- I know I KNOW but it's a private pay per view tele thing!) but I have enjoyed several of the interviews with actors who star in it. I have always enjoyed the wonderful Lena Headey's work, Peter Dinklage I have admired along with the beautiful Emilia Clarke, Sophie Turner and the terribly handsome Kit Harington but especially the youngster Maisie Williams too who I have seen interviewed on the tv several times now and she always seems fascinatingly honest, real and frankly spoken in all her appearances. It does occur to me however some of these folks can be guilty of a feeling that we must all have shared at one time or another of failing to stop when you realise the words that are coming out of your mouth!

This struck me as possibly being one of those moments but endearing and funny none-the-less!

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