
Saturday, December 15, 2018


9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980

If I may have seemed critical of late of John and the work post Beatles it is because I am BUT we loved John as much as we loved all four of them. Brothers we grew up together and if we chose to make them multimillionaires by becoming fans then there is an aspect of them becoming our creation. Despite the talents of Paul and his extraordinary output of music that thanks to his muse just seems to pour fourth and shows little sign of abating, John was a different more complex piece of work as it were. George too a unique guitarist and writer of interest if not so prolific and Ringo is a one of the worlds greatest signature drummers I have ever heard. But John was a grumpy cantankerous curmudgeonly sod frankly and there was reason. Damaged by his upbringing (see hear 'Mother') and not entirely helped by the enormous wealth thrust upon him, we still mourn his passing in such a despicable manner shot by a raving cowardly lunatic and with no possible means of defence. Did I always like what he did? No. Did we appreciate his roll in a rock 'n' roll band hell yes! Perhaps one of the truly great rhythm guitarists. We miss him and the world of art and creativity is all the poorer for his passing

On this day in music history: December 14, 1980 - A ten minute worldwide silent vigil is held for John Lennon at 2 pm EST, at the request of Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono. More than 100,000 people attend the vigil in Central Park in New York City across the street from the Lennon’s apartment at The Dakota on Central Park West. Over 30,000 people attend the vigil in Lennon’s hometown of Liverpool, UK. On October 9, 1985 (what would have been John Lennon’s 45th Birthday), a memorial is dedicated at the entrance to Central Park at Central Park West and 72nd Street, the same location where the 1980 silent vigil takes place. Named “Strawberry Fields”, the 2.5 acre site designed by Central Park’s chief landscape architect Bruce Kelly includes a circular mosaic with the word “IMAGINE” placed directly in the center. The memorial serves as a meeting place for annual tributes and remembrances of Lennon on his birthday and on the day of his passing.

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see

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